BESIDE is a music project by Achmad Rustandi (Bebi), Tri Afrizal (Izal) and Roy Nat Siregar (Roy), from Bandung, Indonesia. In 1997 this band has been working on metal-hardcore music, that was still a rare thing to do in Indonesia circa 1900s.
First single Beside "Wasted YOUTH" In 1998 entered the AQUARIUS Independent Rebel production compilation.
Beside has done many experiments in song making, often changing personnel. Born in the biggest metal community called Ujungberung Rebel, Beside became a band that could be different in the community. In the process of making their music, Beside has inspired a lot by musicians and by their communities and surroundings. Their music has become a personal and intimate sanctuary, which has been successfully transferred to their audience and has a strong connection with the metal scene movement in Indonesia.
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